1.Ebook Proceeding Of ESCO
Download Ebook Proceedibg Of ESCO
The inaugural International Conference on Education, Social, and Economic (ESCO) Affairs was a vibrant and intellectually stimulating event that brought together scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners from around the globe. Held over several days, the conference served as a platform for exchanging ideas, fostering collaborations, and exploring innovative approaches to address the multifaceted challenges facing education, society, and the economy.
Participants engaged in a variety of activities, including keynote speeches by renowned experts, panel discussions, paper presentations, and interactive workshops. Topics spanned a wide range of disciplines, from pedagogy and curriculum development to social policy and economic theory. The conference provided a forum for participants to share their latest research findings, discuss emerging trends, and identify potential solutions to pressing issues in education, social dynamics, and economic development.
Networking opportunities abounded, allowing attendees to connect with peers, establish new partnerships, and forge collaborations that transcend geographical and disciplinary boundaries. Through lively discussions and constructive debates, participants gained fresh insights, challenged existing paradigms, and collectively contributed to the advancement of knowledge and practice in their respective fields.
Overall, the first International Conference on Education, Social, and Economic (ESCO) Affairs served as a catalyst for intellectual exchange, innovation, and collective action, laying the groundwork for future endeavors aimed at addressing the complex interplay between education, society, and the economy on a global scale.
A. Education
1. Implementation Of Reward And Punishment As A Strategy For Developing Students’ Discipline At Schools (Dessy Syofiyanti, Dian Purnomo, Novia Julianti)
2. Optimizing Student Discipline Through The Islamic Religious Education Teacher Program (Anisa Utami , Ummah Karimah , Rusjdy S. Arifin)
3. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) As A Virtual Learning Environment on Mathematics
(Meilani Safitri, Nunuk Suryani, Budiyono , Sukarmin)
4. Strategies for Effective Language Education Integration: Impact on Communication, Cultural Understanding, and Socioeconomic Growth
(Novri Susanti Suparman)
5. Integration Of Character Education Value In The Six Pillars Of Pancasila Students
(Tika Widiyan)
6. Implementation Of Pluralism Education Methods In Islamic Religious Education Subjects (Denny Wahyuni)
7. Contemporary Issues Related To Capita Selekta In The Treasures Islamic Education (Usman)
8. Teaching Campus Activities As An Effort To Achieve Improving The Quality Of Education, Through Collaboration (Diah Mutiara, Mahmudin Sudin, Ahmad Irfan)
9. Government Policy On Islamic Religious Universities Under The Ministry Of Religious Affairs (Afrida Yanis)
10. Latest Educational Paradigm In Perspective Curriculum
Merdeka, A Study In Islamic Education In Madrasas
(Mariatul Hikmah)
11. Transformation of the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum
in the Industrial Era 4.0: Towards Technology-Based Learning
(Juni Erpida Nasution)
12. Training To Create Learning Media Through The Learningapps Application For Paud Teachers In Cihanjawar Village, Purwakarta District, 2023
(Annisa Purwani, Rika Purnamasari)
B. Social
1. Reinterpretation Of The Qur’An Text On Women’s Leadership
(Moch. Khoirul Anam, S.Th.I, M.Sy)
2. The Efforts To Againts Political Identity Threats Toward Pluralism In West Pasaman (Septriani, Endrizal, Mutia Kahanna,Tomi Arianto)
3. Bullying: A Review And Bibliometric Analysis (Wiwied Widiyanti)
4. Al-Qur’An Perspective On Gender Inclusion 126 For Empowerment Of Women’S
(Miftah Ulya, Nurliana, Jufri Hasani Z)
C. Economics
1. Collaboration between Village Government, Educational Institutions, and Communities in River Fish ResourcesConservation
(Leni Fitrianti)
2. Problematic Analysis Of Market Distortions On Consumer 218
Behavior Reviewed From A Perspective (Arfah, Nurhasanah, Viras Alti Pidola, Sa’in,
3.Human Resources Quality on Competitiveness Enhancement (Alamsyah Agit,
Susilawati Muharram, Oktavianty)
4 Implementation Of The Government’s Role In Economic Empowerment Of Women
Victims Of Domestic Violence In West Aceh Regency (Rachmatika Lestari , Safrida)